Kro in action

Use cases

Kro works for everyone, protecting both buyers and sellers no matter the situation

Buy or sell items online

From clothes to cars, more people are trading items on social media sites like Instagram and online marketplaces like Jiji.

Unfortunately, this has attracted scammers who list items that don’t exist or attempt to buy items without sending the money.

Kro allows you to buy and sell items online safely:

  • If you buy with Kro and don’t receive the item, you can easily get your money back.
  • If you sell with Kro and don’t receive an upfront payment, you can withhold sending the item.

Send and receive direct payments

Cash is fine for small things, but it’s safer to use bank transfers for larger transactions.

That said, sharing bank details can be risky and handling bank transactions can be a hassle.

Kro makes it simple and secure to handle payments over WhatsApp or email:

  • Request money by sharing a simple link with the buyer, connecting them to a secure online payment system.
  • The money is held safely in Kro’s secure escrow account until the item or service is received by the buyer.

Get paid on time

If you’re selling an item or service, you’ll want to get paid on time.

However, late payments are all too common, which can be both frustrating and costly.

With Kro, late payments are a thing of the past:

  • Sellers receive payments promptly once the buyer confirms receipt and satisfaction with the goods or services provided.
  • Payments are held in a secure escrow account until the item or service is provided, keeping the money safe and ready to be transferred.

Manage disputes without stress

Buying and selling should be a smooth process, resulting in happy buyers and sellers.

But occasionally, issues can come up, such as missing deliveries, incorrect items or payment disputes.

Kro is built to help you manage any issues with ease:

  • Issues can be reported quickly using Kro and settled using our dispute resolution service.
  • Funds are safely tucked away in escrow during a dispute, ensuring neither party is short-changed.

Pay and receive upfront deposits

If you’re buying or selling a more expensive purchase, like a car or a property rental, you may want to receive part of the payment upfront.

Kro enables part of the payment to be made upfront, minimising the risk for both buyers and sellers:

  • Set a custom deposit amount that both the buyer and seller are happy with.
  • The buyer pays the full amount to Kro. We then pass on the deposit amount to the seller and hold the remaining amount until the item or service is provided.

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